Red Door Dance Studio
Zooming ONLINE Classes AND IN-PERSON Group Classes
in Brentwood and Livermore!
Private Lessons and coaching available
(925) 766-1478

Dearest Red Door Dancers,
Thank you for being a part of our dance community and making our studio a warm and fuzzy success for 12 fun and memorable years. As of September 1st, 2020 we had to close our brick and mortar studio in downtown Brentwood. I am still be holding classes online and producing events via Raqs Tiki Kauai Belly Dance Intensive, and Dangerous Beauties Belly Dance. I will continue teaching fitness classes, Country Line Dance, and Belly Dance, and look forward to seeing you online, and as private students in my home. I am also renting studio hours at local dance and fitness studios, and will update my schedule as I begin new sessions.
Closing the doors to Red Door Dance Studio was not an easy decision for me. With much self and community reflection over not just 2020, but the last few years, it simply became time to make a shift. Call it a shift of consciousness, shift of inspiration, or a simple need to not multi-task EVERYTHING and minimize it down to the 89 projects I am currently working on. Closing the studio will open up new adventures for all of us when we are able to commune safely. Though it breaks my heart, it's simply time.
Please know, a building does not make a community... its people do. 12 years was a great run - and thanks to you, we kept going while scores of studios hung up their dance shoes. We will keep dancing in this next chapter - online, at festivals, at shows and in our bunny slippers. We thank you from every cell of our body and megahertz of our soul. Without you, Red Door would have never been more than a dream, and you helped us realize it.
Cheers to you. Keep going. Keep dancing. Keep dreaming.
With love,
Talia Soleil
Facebook: Talia Soleil
Email: taliasoleil1@gmail.com
Phone: (925) 766-1478

Talia Soleil
"Dance with your heart, and your feet will follow" -Talia Soleil

AND Feel the joy of dance today!
We have been the area's premier studio for Adult, Teen and Children's Classes. Why do we mention Adults and Teens first? Because Red Door Dance Studio's primary focus is the Adult and Teen Learner. There are plenty of children's studios around, and we surely love kids... but we want YOU to have your own playground. A place for you to escape and enjoy your own tribe.
Red Door Dance Studio's owner, Talia Soleil, opened Brentwood's first dance and fitness studio for adults in 1987, and has since been teaching the areas teen and adult population.
We welcome you to step through those Virtual Red Doors and feel welcome, energized, and ready to learn.
We know Zoom classes are not always what you're looking for, but we encourage you to start someplace that is safe, welcoming, and encouraging. For now, Zoom is safe. We care about you, and we care about our community.
We are hoping that in January 2022 that two new series will be able to start. Talia is opening a six week session in Brentwood on Saturday mornings, and a six week session in Livermore on Thursday nights.
Let's chat about your dance journey!
Online Classes Zooming to you,
and now we back to
in-person classes!